Sunday, September 24, 2006

A Good Way to start Your Morning

A photo of my wife was posted on my Blog and I've received over a dozen e-mails asking "What does your wife eat to stay so slim, especially after having a baby so recently?"

Since I'm her trainer and buys all the groceries, I can tell you exactly what she eats.

Breakfast is :

A bowl of PC Ancient Grains Cereal with a sliced banana and Soy milk
Ancient Grains 100% Organic
This crunchy, multigrain cereal is made with a blend of grains (kamut, spelt, millet, and quinoa) cultivated throughout the world since ancient times.

A source of dietary fibre; no preservatives added; no refined sugars added; sweetened with honey; low in fatl only 8% calories from fat; no flavours or colours added; contains organically-grown ancient grains.

Kamut flour, wheat bran, honey, whole oat flour, whole spelt flour, whole wheat flour, millet, barley flour, barley malt extract, quinoa, sea salt.


Almond Butter on 2 slices of Sha Sha Athletes bread and a small PC Organic Fruit Yoghurt cup.

We always have fresh cut carrots & celery in the fridge ready to eat for a snack

Tanya gets creative with her Italian cooking for dinner. Most dinners consist of chicken , basmati rice, a large fresh mixed greens salad and a glass of red wine.

A small piece of Ritters Dark chocolate

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