Look in the mirror…what do you see? Not Happy ? You do realize that summer is around the corner?
The time is now to get yourself ready for the beach and the nice warm weather.
Below you will find 5 helpful tips to get you ready for the summer and help you shed off those extra pounds you added over the winter.
Ryan Shanahan's 5 Fast Weight Loss Tips to get your body looking fantastic this summer.
1- Cut the Crap
Say good bye to fast food and say hello to homemade cooking.
2- Watch your Carbs & Watch your AB Fat disappear.
If you eat a plateful of Carbs , you can sit back and watch your stomach get fatter.
To get a six-pack, you want to eat Carbs that don’t store as fat, such as Fruits and Vegetables.
Keep Pasta, breads , muffins and rice to a minimum.
3- Drink Up
Make water your best friend. Cut sodas , Specialty coffees and fruit juices out.
To find out how much water you should drink each day, use the following formula:
Take your bodyweight in pounds and multiply it by o.55
Example: If you weigh 170lbs
( 170 x 0.55 ) = 93.5 ounces of water per day
4 – Cardio
Lets face it Cardio can be time consuming, but it has to be done in order to Burn Fat off the body and to lose weight quickly. My solution is to combine Cardio and Resistance training together.
5- Resistance Training
It is understood these days that in order to lose weight as fast as possible, you need to do some sort of resistance training. With as little as 60 min total per week you can significantly change the tone and shape of your body.
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